There is so much happening around us. There is violence, hatred, death, diseases, confusion, hopelessness, homelessness, and despair. It was just yesterday that a 19-year-old young man was accused of beating and stabbing his 20-month-old daughter to death.
With all of this going on, if Jesus saved us and we are Christians, today's events ought to bother us, and we should ask, "What can we do to help?" When I prayed this morning, I asked myself the same question: What can I do to help? As I was walking through my home after prayer, I believe I received an answer, and I found it in John 12:32:
"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself."
Jesus was talking about His crucifixion. Because He was executed on a cross that was displayed on a hill for all to see, people would be saved all over the world. After His crucifixion, word spread quickly about the man from Galilee who healed the sick and raised the dead.
What am I saying? We have to discuss the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than we do, not just amongst ourselves but amongst people who don't know the price Jesus paid so we could be forgiven, healed, and saved.
How can we help? Talk about Jesus more! Many people want to sound more knowledgeable than others about the Bible. Deep knowledge doesn't save us; a humble relationship with Jesus and faith in Him do.
Father, help us become bold and witness more about how salvation, paid for by your Son Jesus, can bring hope in the place of despair. In the name of Jesus - Amen.