Another Way To Make America Great Again - Help Someone!
Proverbs 31:8-9 (NLT) 8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. 9 Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
Here are some of the many ways to make America great again. Speak up for the people who can't speak for themselves.
There are so many people in our country who don't have a voice. They are being overlooked and pushed to the side.
Our government ought to make sure justice reaches them just like it does the privileged.
I repeat, speak up for the poor and the helpless. Make sure they receive justice.
In case we've forgotten what justice is, here is a quick definition:
Just behavior or treatment: a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people.
Dear Lord. Help us to see the errors of our ways. Help us to step away from the fight to be great and focus more on what makes us great and that's help someone. Help us to learn to treat others like we want to be treated and to love the way You love us - unconditionally! It is You who will make America great again! Not a man, not a woman, it is You! - Amen