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God Is Near - Not Far Away

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Jeremiah 23:22-33

“Am I a God near at hand,” says the LORD, “And not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the LORD; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD.

Last evening and today was a challenge. My wife and I were about to pack for a much-needed four-day getaway to Panama City Beach, Florida. Suddenly, her stomach and back started hurting, and she and I both knew what was happening. She had just had an episode of bowel obstruction less than a month ago, and the symptoms were identical. I rushed her to a local hospital, and that's when the real challenge started.

She was in excruciating pain. She was crying in pain. I went to the emergency room attendants and told them several times, and each time I told them, all I was told was, "We can't do anything about the pain because she hadn't seen a doctor and we didn't have a room for her to go in so a doctor can see her." Needless to say, I became very upset because the woman I love so dearly was in severe pain (she started trembling), and I couldn't do anything about it. This went on for about nine hours before she finally saw a doctor. The Spirit of the Lord of earth and heavens kept me from saying too much. I was reminded it was alright to be angry, but I can't sin (Ephesians 4:6)

We prayed and called on Jesus, which is all we know to do. But her pain wouldn't stop. I went home, and admittedly, my faith was shaken to the center of my heart. I wept, and I talked to the Lord. I told Him I didn't understand why He was allowing Ree (my wife) to go through all of the pain. I told Him I knew He could help her, but it had to be according to His will, and I was good with that.

I checked my Olive Tree (TM) Bible App's daily devotion, and Jeremiah 23:22-23 awaited me. “Am I a God near at hand,” says the LORD, “And not a God afar off?". This verse comforted me and assured me that my God sees and cares about what's happening. And because of His word, I was comforted, and I can go back to the hospital and comfort Ree. I know God is near and not far away.

I love you, Lord. Thank you for your comforting words. Amen

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