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Don't Get Weary Doing Good Things

an image of a weary teen being watched by one with energy

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart. - Galatians 6:9

Living in a world full of people from all walks of life who have named what's evil, good, and what's right and wrong can be a challenge to those who want to walk upright before the Lord. My career has placed me before all sorts of people, and I have noticed a swing from doing good things to doing evil things, which has become the order of these days.

We were warned about the last and evil days in the word of God (2 Timothy 3:1-3), and if we take a quick glance, we can see the entire list in these passages of scriptures. But we, those who have faith in God and the saving power of His Son Jesus, can't get weary in doing good.

If we are Christians then we ought to not be looking down on others, but looking at their needs and doing what we can to help them. (Philippians 2:1-8) If we are Christians, we're supposed to be loving EVERYBODY! (Matthew 22:36-40). For those who claim to be Christian and despise other people who we see every day but claim we love God, who we can't see, the Lord has labeled us as liars. (1 John 4:19-21)

What does doing well mean? Doing good things for everyone we have an opportunity to serve, especially fellow Christian believers. Do we hate other people because they don't believe like we do? No. Do we hold back and oppress people? No. Do we sacrifice to make sure those around us have their needs taken care of? Yes. Do we show kindness even when people aren't showing it to us? Yes.

So don't be weary of doing good things. I know it's hard, but if we intend on spending eternity with the Lord, we can't get tired. We have to keep pressing forward no matter how difficult it seems. Don't get weary of doing good things. Your light will shine bright enough to illuminate Jesus so others might be saved!

Our Father in Heaven, please give us the strength to keep doing good in a world that has lost its way of doing what's good and right. Help us not to look down on others and puff ourselves up as if we're mightier than You. Help us to humble ourselves to be more like You, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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