Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. - Matthew 5:4
To mourn is to feel sorrow for an incident that causes pain, suffering, regret, etc. In this instance, Jesus teaches how we should feel the sin we commit. In our society's system, sin is being applauded and supported. Some people are fighting to get laws passed to allow free movement in living sinful lives.
Here again, Jesus teaches the opposite of worldly beliefs and systems. Sexual immorality is prevalent in our society. And the result is catastrophic to government budgets and people's lives, yet it's celebrated. It is celebrated in movies and commercials, and, sad to say, even amongst people who say they believe in Jesus.
Jesus is saying instead of celebrating sin, we should mourn. The world says have fun; you only live once! The world says do what you want; it's your life and your body! Believers of Jesus should be doing the opposite, and that is mourn.
If I sin, I am supposed to be so sorry I have offended the one who saved me from eternal destruction. If I see someone else sin, I'm supposed to mourn for them and where they will spend eternity. I should mourn for myself and everyone else because the wages of sin is death.
Godly sorrow leads to repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. - 2 Corinthians 7:10. If we experience a rush, pride, or gratification from our sin, we are heading toward eternal damnation. But when we become spiritually sorry for our sins, we are blessed. What does it mean to be blessed? To be blessed is to experience special favor and mercy from a powerful and limitless God.
Father. I worship you and bless you for being kind and merciful to me, who doesn't deserve the goodness you allow me to experience in my life. I pray that people will see the path they are walking on and choose to change directions and follow you to eternal life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.